Good Afternoon, Today we are with Warwick and Nicola of Jarvis Costs Consultancy at Meriden in Warwickshire, Meriden is a small West Midlands town between the City of Coventry and Solihull, We are here today to perform a computer repair 2 of the companies computers, The customer has reported that one has died and when running that both computers running very slowly and are looking for advice on how to progress.
First of all we checked repaired the dead computer by replacing the computers dead power supply, we then checked both the Computers for malware and viruses and edited the startup files removing and unneeded programs, Early on in the checks the computers where found to be lacking in memory and we recommended an upgrade from the 4GB memory supplied to 8GB memory as recommended for Windows computers, The memory was ordered and fitted to the machines this sped up the machines and the customer was very happy with the results, We also suggested that if more speed is required that we could upgrade the hardrives fitted to these computers to SSD (Solid State Disks)
Whilst inside the machine we gave it a dust out and we also setup a computer backup system first a complete system backup and second a data backup to allow the user to backup the data from the computer as required.