For the next job this morning we are at a guest house in Wellesbourne, Warwickshire installing a wireless bridge system of access points, The main objective of this is to share the buildings internet connection on the first floor with at the other end of the building for the guests to use, We managed to accomplish this using only 2 access points one which has to be wired to the main router and the other in a strategic location on the first floor on route to the room requiring the access.
Wireless Setup at Lighthorne Heath
This afternoon we are at a customers on the Stratford Road in Lighthorne Heath near Gaydon test track, We are here to setup a desktop computer with a Sky broadband router for this one we provided a Wireless USB adapter to allow the use of the computer upstairs and the router to remain downstairs.
Update we had a few issues with the lenght of line at this address but managed to get it working stably, Sky’s Support Telephone Number is 0870 600 5630 i checked online and broadband support should also be on 0800 0287855.