Apple updates and other computer maintenance including a Trojan Virus removal at Daventry

Good afternoon we are currently in Daventry with motivation in motion we are here to update the customers Antivirus to AVG Internet Security 2013 and check that the computers are free from malware and viruses one of the laptop computer had a couple of Trojan Viruses which we removed.

Whilst here we updated the customers Apple iPhone and iPad to IOS 6.0.1 we did this after checking that all the customers bought apps work.
If you find your iPad is running slow on the internet fix an ip address in the wireless settings the chances are it will show a 169 private network address which means its using the mobile phones network data usage instead.


Syncing Microsoft Outlook and Powerpoint with an Apple iPhone and an iPad3

Good morning we are with Motivation in Motion at their Daventry Office, We are here today to Set up an Apple iPad 3 and an Apple iPhone this is including installing email Clients on both devices, syncing Contacts and Calendars with Microsoft Outlook 2010 on a Toshiba notebook via the iCloud online, installing Keynote and Dropbox to allow viewing and sharing of the Microsoft Powerpoint presentations from the computer.

Apple Syncing Calendars and contacts