This morning we are with Wootton and Co in Leek Wootton near Warwick, We are here to set up an external usb harddrive backup system for the customers photos. The software we have setup uses a sync system, the main reason for using this is it only copies the updates files which means a complete usable backup in case of Emergency. This unit also includes a memory card reader to go straight from the Camera’s card and a screen to view the images.
Laptop Computer Data Recovery and Backup at Warwick
For the last job today we are at a customers on Chesford Crescent at Warwick, We are here to repair the customers Laptop computer which is giving a hall.dll Error, To check this computer we booted to system recovery Console and attempted to read the hard drive this resulted in the error “unable to enumerate directory”, This meant the hardrive was unreadable so we had no choice but to attempt a recovery on the computer, this was successful and after being able to reboot in to windows we setup the customer with a backup system and left the machine backing up. The reasoning for this is that the data involved was critical to the customer and having had one issue it seemed quite likely another may occur.
Update as it happens 2 days later the repaired machine died and the backup of the laptop computer saved the customer from having to repay for data recovery, the only thing to note here is if your using a hard drive to backup to then you need to remember it is also a mechanical device and it is worth retiring the back up drives every 2 years to avoid failure.