Laptop computer repair at Blackdown (Leamington Spa) between Milverton and Stoneleigh

Good morning today we are repairing an Acer laptop computer with a customer at Blackdown in Royal Leamington Spa between Milverton and Stoneleigh.

We have been called out here topday because the customer has reported that the Acer laptop computer is not powering up correctly.

On this one we opened up the computer removed and reseated the memory and the processor and all was working again.

Acer Aspire 3510 Laptop Computer Repair

Although the machine is working it is very slow this appears to most likely to be the hard drive and due to the costs involved and the age of the computer it has been recommend that a replacement computer would be prudent in the near future.


Compaq PC not Booting

For the 3rd job of the day we are at Milverton in Leamington Spa for this one we had a Compaq PC with powerlights but no screen for this one we just needed to clean the contacts on the video and memory cards then reseat the processor.


Computer Running Slowly in Leamington Spa

We are with a customer at Milverton Terrace in Leamington Spa, We are here because the customer has report that their computer is running slowly, We edited the registry, Deleted all unneeded temporary files, Removed unneeded programs, Ran Windows updates, Updated the Antivirus and Firewalls. All this helped make the computer run faster.