The Avast antivirus program has been up dated to version 7 this can be downloaded from
Virus Removal stareton
This afternoon we are at a customers in Stareton opposite Stoneleigh Park , We are here to remove a Trojan Virus from a Toshiba Laptop Computer.
Personal Security Fake Antivirus Removal in Stoneleigh near Kenilworth
Next today we are with a customer in Stoneleigh near Kenilworth, We are here to remove a fake antivirus called Personal Antivirus 2010, This computer was also infected with several Trojan Horse Viruses, and produced a Fake Blue Screen.
Root Kit Virus Removal in Stareton
Next today we are in Stareton to clean a virus off a customers laptop computer, The viruses here was a root kit virus this is a virus that attaches and hides it’s self in the windows system files and a Trojan virus that Hijacks the Browser.