We are now with a customer on the Blacklow Road in Warwick, We are here to Support a customer with a Wireless Connectivity issue, The problem is that the cable modem and the Router are in a study room upstairs but the customer would like to be able to wirelessly use the internet in the lounge downstairs and connect a computer via cable in an upstairs room, To solve this we connect the Cable modem and Router to the PC upstairs as normal, The house already has fitted a network cable with a socket next to the router upstairs and another socket in the hall next to the lounge downstairs as well as a cable and socket to feed the bed room , We connect a short network RJ45 fly lead between the socket and the router upstairs, Downstairs we attach a Switch which allows us to share between the Bedroom upstairs and a Netgear Access Point to allow us to wirelessly connect in the lounge.